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This download contains PowerPoint template files (POT) for the following 25 designs from ChristianPPT Templates:
0126 - Shell 05
0127 - Shell 06
0128 - Triquetra 07
0129 - Triquetra 08
0130 - Triquetra 09
0131 - Triquetra 10
0132 - Triquetra 11
0133 - Bible 03
0134 - Bible 04
0135 - Bible 05
0136 - Cemetery 02
0137 - Cemetery 03
0138 - Cemetery 04
0139 - Cemetery 05
0140 - The Creation of Eve
0141 - The Expulsion From the Garden
0142 - The Murder of Abel
0143 - The Deluge
0144 - Noah Cursing Ham
0145 - The Tower of Babel
0146 - Abraham Entertains Three Strangers
0147 - The Destruction of Sodom
0148 - The Expulsion of Hagar
0149 - Hagar In the Wilderness
0150 - The Trial Of The Faith Of Abraham