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PowerPoint Templates from Indezine - 026 Designs 0626 to 0650
This download contains PowerPoint template files (POT) for the following 25 designs from Indezine:
0626 - Doctor 03
0627 - Stethoscope 03
0628 - Stethoscope 04
0629 - Operation Theater 04
0630 - Operation Theater 05
0631 - Syringe 04
0632 - Medicine Pills 04
0633 - Stethoscope 05
0634 - Surgical Equipment 02
0635 - Doctor's Equipment 03
0636 - Medicine Pills 05
0637 - Doctor's Equipment 04
0638 - Stethoscope 06
0639 - Dragon 01
0640 - Dragon 02
0641 - Dragon 03
0642 - Dragon 04
0643 - Dragon 05
0644 - Blueberries 01
0645 - Blueberries 02
0646 - Blueberries 03
0647 - Apricot 01
0648 - Apricot 02
0649 - Apricot 03
0650 - Chinese Building 01
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