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PowerPoint Templates from Indezine - 208 Designs 5176 to 5200
This download contains PowerPoint template files (POT) for the following 25 designs from Indezine:
5176 - Creativity 04
5177 - Creativity 05
5178 - Tie 05
5179 - Tie 06
5180 - Houndstooth 01
5181 - Houndstooth 02
5182 - Houndstooth 03
5183 - Houndstooth 04
5184 - Houndstooth 05
5185 - Tartan 01
5186 - Tartan 02
5187 - Tartan 03
5188 - Tartan 04
5189 - Tartan 05
5190 - Handbag 01
5191 - Handbag 02
5192 - Handbag 03
5193 - Handbag 04
5194 - Female Belt 01
5195 - Female Belt 02
5196 - Female Belt 03
5197 - Female Belt 04
5198 - Female Scarf 01
5199 - Female Scarf 02
5200 - Female Scarf 03
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