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This download contains PowerPoint template files (POT) for the following 25 designs from MedicinePPT:
0051 - Kidney 02
0052 - Kidney 03
0053 - Chest X-ray 02
0054 - Brain 01
0055 - DNA 01
0056 - DNA 02
0057 - DNA 03
0058 - DNA 04
0059 - Stethoscope 02
0060 - Stethoscope 03
0061 - Stethoscope 04
0062 - Stethoscope 05
0063 - Stethoscope 06
0064 - Syringe 01
0065 - Sphygmomanometer 01
0066 - Skull X-ray 02
0067 - Brain 02
0068 - Bones 01
0069 - Spinal Cord 01
0070 - Neck X-ray 01
0071 - Shoulder and Arm 01
0072 - Foot 01
0073 - Microscope 01
0074 - Microscope 02
0075 - Microscope 03